How To start reading books?

 You must have heard it before that books are our best friends. Have you ever wondered why is it said so? 

 Just as We cherish the companionship of a good friend ,readers cherish the companionship of a good book. 

Now why do books often assume the role of the best companion? 

This is because books understand and value our time completely. We can spend time with them whenever we feel lonely and whenever we want to spend time with them. 

They are never gonna cut a sorry figure. 


is recognized as one of the best pursuits one can adopt. Reading  can help people to improve their understanding and imagination to a great deal. Reading helps people to empathize with other people, understand other people's situations. It also helps to learn the language efficaciously. It also helps to perform well in competitive exams as comprehension carries good weightage in almost all prestigious exams. 

Having talked about the manifold benefits of reading, let us now delve into the question of how to start reading if you are a beginner. 

 1. Choose something that arrests your attention: 

Suppose you don't like to read mystery stories, then even if you pick up a book by the best author, for example  mystery books written by Agatha Christie, you are unlikely to complete it. You are most likely to put it down. 

So always pick up a read that you are interested in. For example, a football enthusiast will find a football magazine or biography of a football player more interesting than a book on fashion. 

2. Go Slowly: 

Don't try to read very much in a day. Always remember : Rome was not built in a day.  On your first day of reading, you won't be able to complete the book and understand it all. So when you are just starting your reading journey, try to read a few pages every day. Don't bother about speed. If you can get yourself into the habit of reading a few pages everyday, you will see that your understanding and reading speed is getting better with every passing day. 

3. Don't take a dictionary with you. 

Try to understand the words from the context. 
It is  only natural that when you are just starting reading, you may come across many unknown words in a single paragraph itself. 
So what do you do? Will you pick up a dictionary and start looking for every unknown word? 

Then I must warn you  that you will soon get bored and tired and put down your read. 

Refer to a dictionary when it is absolutely necessary. For example, look for those words that you have no idea about and try to understand most other words from the context. 
This will also enhance your knowledge of the language, which brings us to our next point. 

4. Pay attention to detail to the words :  It helps in learning the language. 

When you look attentively at the words, you learn the words and expressions. You kind of start understanding the structure of the language and you get an idea of how to play around with words in that language.  At this stage, you can refer to dictionary because in order to learn a language well ,you should be well versed with the meaning of words in that language. 
This is extremely beneficial in competitive exams where you are tested on your knowledge of the language. For example, in India  almost every competitive exam tests the candidates on their knowledge of English.

5.Re - read : 

It's possible that when you read a book for the first time, after reading a few pages, you don't understand anything. 

What can you do in such a situation?  I highly recommend that 
You  re read the pages again the next day. 
I am positive that on the next day, you will understand everything. 

6. Read other genres: 

The very first tip that I gave you was to pick up a read that interests you.  But as you progress,  it is also necessary that you try reading other genres. Now why should you try other genres?

This is because if you never give a try to other genres, you never gonna know if you like other genres. 
For example, you may have an inclination towards thrillers and you may think that romance novels will never interest you. 
But until and unless you give a try to romance novels, you won't be able to tell for sure. If you have read the 19th century classic Jane Eyre, then you already know that how intense and extraordinary the love was between the protagonist Jane and Mr. Rochester  as can be felt from the words of Mr.Rochester when he says to Jane that :

 ' every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own : in pain and sickness , it would still be dear.................. 
................................... in your quiet moments you should have no watcher or nurse but me ; and I could hang over you with untiring tenderness, though you gave me no smile in return; and never weary of gazing into your eyes , though they had no longer a recognition for me.' 

 Each book is a whole new world in itself. And you will be amazed to be a part of each of these worlds. And I will be mighty happy by introducing you to the joy of reading. If you would follow these tips, you will soon fall in love with reading. Donot forget to share your progress with us 😊


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